FF4EuroHPC success stories presented at the ETP4HPC Webinar

8 July 2022

Two FF4EuroHPC success stories focusing on environmental impact were presented at ETP4HPC webinar in July.

Jose L. Munoz Gamarra, Technical Director at Aslogic, presented HERCULES project, which develops specific weather forecast models for drones, as due to their size they are much more vulnerable to adverse wind flight conditions. In this project, we have developed an approach, independent of ground infrastructures.

Emanuele Della Volpe, CEO and Aerospace Engineer at Green Tech Solution, introduced the Marine Litter Hunter experiment where automated collection of marine litter thought real-time identification of floating plastic debris on the sea via unmanned vehicles that send GPS coordinates to an unmanned vessel, through a ground control station, which reaches and collects the plastic waste, without the intervention of operators.

Tina Crnigoj Marc, FF4EuroHPC Communication Lead, moderated the webinar and introduced the FF4EuroHPC project. 

The video of presentation is available here. 

Presentation materials are available here. FF4EuroHPC_Webinar