Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

Address: 6th klm, Harilaou-Thermis, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
Website: www.cperi.certh.gr    


CERTH is represented by the Laboratory of Process Systems Design and Implementation (PSDI) of the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI). The participants have experience in the design of CO2 capture systems, as well as in the use of HPC resources. In the last 5 years, they have participated in more than 5 national and international projects in the areas of CO2 capture and utilization (e.g., REALCAP, ROLINCAP, NANOCAP, etc.) as well as in HPC (e.g., EXA2PRO). In these areas, CERTH has developed unique models for the design of CO2 capture and utilization systems.