FF4EuroHPC Presented at the ASHPC23 Conference, Inspiring with Success Stories

15 June 2023

The traditional ASHPC23 conference which is co-organised by the NCC SLNG Slovenia and NCC Austria took place on 13-15 June in Maribor, Slovenia.

On June 14th, an Industry session was held, starting by a keynote speaker Tomi Ilijaš, Arctur (NCC SLING Slovenia), who presented an HPC as an opportunity for innovative SMEs, benefits HPC bring to business, introduced precious HPC4SME tool that can help SMEs on the way to innovation and closed the speech with presentation of the FF4EuroHPC project and its inspiring success stories.

The presentation of the two FF4EuroHPC success stories followed: Drasko Tomić, Ruđer Bošković Institute (NCC SRCE Croatia), presented how partners developed the 3D printer with optimal thermal stabilization with the help of HPC, meanwhile Matej Borovinšek, University of Maribor (NCC SLING Slovenia), explained how the HPC was used for the preliminary analysis of innovative aeronautics spectrum.

FF4EuroHPC team contributed the project poster, presenting the projct and two success stories. Poster was presented in the exhibition area. 

Tomi Ilijaš_ASHPC23_SME

Draško Tomić_ASHPC23_FF4EuroHPC (1)

Matej Borovinšek_ASHPC23_FF4EuroHPC
